Genius Series: Customer Support

DG Series: Support

Doctor Genius strives to provide an exceptional client experience every day. With the work of our customer support team, our clients receive the ongoing support necessary to receive the greatest impact on their practices. Here is more information about our support team and their impact at Doctor Genius.

What is customer support?

The customer support team is responsible for managing clients after the sales and onboarding processes, playing a critical role in their ongoing success. At Doctor Genius, while other departments play different roles in the client’s journey, our support team offers detailed knowledge on specific support-related subject matter that creates a premium experience for our clients. Some of the services offered by the Doctor Genius support team to assist clients include:

  • Provide timely and effective support to our clients
  • Be our clients’ trusted allies every step of the way
  • Build and foster relationships with our clients
  • Strive to satisfy each and every client

The support team’s focus

The support team focuses on helping clients reach satisfaction at every touch point and step of their journey. The team emphasizes continued growth, consistently working to understand client needs and how they can better serve them. Our support team works alongside different departments at Doctor Genius, and using their diverse perspectives and expertise, the team enhances the client experience even further. DG’s support team’s efforts are constantly evolving, and the team makes it a goal to continuously find areas of improvement and provide exceptional support to clients.

“We are committed to continuing to improve the client experience and give the support we ourselves hope to receive when we call any of our providers.”  – Kim Stephenson (Client Experience Manager)

What makes our support team different than others

At Doctor Genius, our teams work to continuously improve their systems and tailor their approaches to meet our clients’ needs. The customer support team uses various tools and insights to continue to advance their services. Some of these tools include:

Journey mapping

The support team at Doctor Genius takes a proactive approach to enhancing our clients’ experience through the use of journey mapping. They create a customer journey map for each client, which serves as a visual representation of their path to success. Our support team plays a significant role in the success of our clients by understanding their expectations, identifying potential pain points, and making necessary corrections.

Customer satisfaction surveys

Another tool the support team uses is customer satisfaction surveys. They strive for constant improvement, and customer satisfaction surveys provide important feedback to tailor the approach. Understanding client experiences allows our support team to make changes to improve our clients’ experience and success with Doctor Genius.

AI enhancements

The support team has implemented the use of call tracking and AI insights to transcribe, summarize, and analyze client meetings to provide actionable feedback on conversations. Each conversation results in a call score, allowing the team to better understand where they are succeeding and where they can improve their support and communication with clients. AI enhancements in call tracking allow the team to access data that helps them grow. By referring back to calls and evaluating various aspects of them, they can make more informed decisions to build better customer experiences. 

“We aim to deepen our understanding of client interaction and extract valuable insights for improvement.” – Alyssa Castro (Customer Support Team Lead)

Measuring Success

Doctor Genius’s support team’s continuous improvement and support for our clients can be seen through client testimonials and satisfaction rates. This team uses a Customer Effort Score (CES) which measures a product or service’s ease of use to a client. These results come from a customer satisfaction survey.

DG’s support team has a 94% satisfaction rate (4.7 stars) following the completion of a client request and a 98% satisfaction rate (4.9 stars) after the website showcase meeting. By making processes easy for clients and providing fast response times, our support team can set our clients up for continuous success.

Learn More

Learn more about Doctor Genius and how we strive to create the best possible customer experience while generating real results. Request a demo or call us today to discuss how Doctor Genius can help your practice grow.

Doctor Genius, located at 16800 Aston Street, Suite 270, Irvine, CA 92606, provides a range of services for practice success. We seek to meet our clients’ needs by providing a variety of marketing, SEO, practice optimization tools, and coaching to transform the healthcare experience. Though we work to provide the most accurate information, the content found on this website is solely intended for entertainment purposes. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that the information provided is entirely correct. You may not use the information on this site to cure, prevent, or diagnose a perceived medical issue. If you have healthcare-related needs, please speak directly to a healthcare professional. Never self-perform medical treatments discussed on this website. All images displayed are also for entertainment purposes only, and personal experiences may differ. Please note that the business tactics mentioned on this site might not be applicable to your industry or practice.