Brick by Brick Part IV: Maintaining a Steady Stream of Content

In order to be a contender online and put up a good fight, websites need a stable level of content rate.

Part three of the “Brick by Brick” series, focused on the need for quality content and what that entails. The crucial aspect of content marketing is the rate of published content for a website. The content rate will help keep a website active and up on the front lines of search results. While the quality of content is important, the rate of content is just as important.

Keep it running

Active content that holds some form of relevance for the website can help to bring in more traffic. In 2015, Ascend2 found that 72 percent of marketers agreed that relevant content creation was the most effective content strategy. While quality is still crucial to promoting a website, there needs to be a steady flow of content. Posting a blog once every few months will not be effective. We can post multiple blogs a month on your website and promote them through social media.

Software engineer, author, and founder of wrote in a Forbes article that “in the beginning, Google doesn’t trust you,” adding, “If Google doesn’t trust you, you’re not going to rank on those lucrative first-page SERPs*. You’ll be lost in the fray amidst millions of others who’re trying to claw their way to the top.”

The problem is that people cannot take shortcuts in posting content on a website. “Thin content with errors, or duplicate content and spun content can really hurt you,” Adams explains. Fortunately, Doctor Genius can provide clients with effective content that reaches potential patients on the website and on other social media platforms.

Branching out to other platforms

Branching Out Into SOcial Media

HubSpot found in 2016 that for the previous two years, content consumption on Facebook had increased by 57 percent.

If online content is one thing, it is versatile. Online content can branch out to multiple platforms of social media that all lead back to the client’s website. By utilizing social media platforms to share content on a website, Doctor Genius can help clients gain increased website traffic. In 2016, HubSpot also found that 76 percent of people use their Facebook feed to find interesting content.

Doctor Genius will not only post engaging content onto your website, but we will also create posts for social media accounts that lead patients to your website. This way, potential patients will find a post about your practice in their social media feed that can lead them back to your website. We can help your website continue a positive relationship with Google and reach more patients in the process.

Call us for more information about posting content rate or to find out more about our services. To read Part One in the “Brick By Brick” series, click here.

*SERPs is short for Search Engine Results Page

Doctor Genius

At Doctor Genius, we work with clients to expand their private practice by helping them reach, engage and convert consumers into new patients. By offering high-end web marketing services to medical and health professionals throughout the United States, we help clients gain more profit and build trustworthy relationships with patients to initiate sustainable practice growth.

We construct a website for your practice, establish an active online presence, build and constantly update social media profiles, help you build stronger connections with patients, streamline the appointment scheduling process, funnel traffic from search engines directly to your practice website and much more. To begin the process of increasing the success and presence of your practice, give us a call at 877-477-2311.

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