Finding Trusted Dental Lawyers

Finding Trusted Dental Lawyers

Although your practice may not currently need the services of a dental lawyer, it can be smart to choose the one you would like to use and develop a relationship now. There are many areas this type of lawyer can help with in addition to litigation, and having a trusted lawyer before you need one can eliminate the stress associated with having to scramble to locate one on short notice.

Ways to find a trusted professional dental lawyer

When it comes to confidential matters and issues that could have a tremendous impact on your practice, the American Dental Association recommends choosing your lawyer carefully. Here are methods to use when deciding on a lawyer for your dental practice. 

Consult online resources

One of the biggest advantages of using a search engine like Google as you begin your query is the ability to see reviews from previous clients. Although some opinions may be a bit extreme, reviews can typically provide a general overview of how professional and successful a lawyer has been in the past. 

Take advantage of your network

Odds are good you know someone at another practice who has used a dental lawyer before, a friend or relative who is a lawyer in this area, or experience with dental law. Be bold about asking peers for a referral. People are not likely to recommend someone to you unless they know that person will do a good job. 

Use a lawyer referral service

Many state and local bar associations often have a lawyer referral service. The lawyers these services refer people to are generally well known and respected in their communities and have a proven track record of success. If this is the route you choose to go, it is more about picking the lawyer who is the right fit for your practice than having to decide whether the lawyer is competent. 

Ask your malpractice carrier

Because all operating medical practices should have a malpractice carrier, this option is relatively simple. You should already have a representative and a phone number or email address handy. Contact your malpractice representative and ask about respected lawyers who have handled cases similar to yours. 

Talk to your state dental association

Some state dental associations have approved referral lists of law firms and attorneys. Because these lists typically include lawyers from all over the state, it is important to be aware of the location of the lawyers you are most interested in. If you need legal advice in a specialized area, make sure to ask what kind of experience the lawyer has in that area specifically. 

Turn to us for help

Whether you need a dental lawyer, assistance with medical marketing, or ideas on how to improve patient retention, Doctor Genius has you covered. We have solutions for chiropractor practices, dental practices, urgent care clinics, and more. We are here to provide a customized solution or patient package that works for your practice and can reduce the stress associated with practice management. Talk to a member of our trained staff today about options you may not have realized were even possible. 

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