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Setting Your Company Apart: Using Original Images to Improve SEO

Doctor Genius (DG) is dedicated to helping our clients reach their target audience through various means. One such tool we [More..]
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Traditional Dentistry CIPs: Boost Rankings and Patient Acquisition

At Doctor Genius, we design Content Ignition Packages (CIPs) to help clients climb in search engine rankings and acquire new [More..]
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Doctor Genius at Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting

Doctor Genius is excited to announce our participation in our first conference of 2024, the Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting. [More..]
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Doctor Genius PX Practice Promoter: Embracing digital word-of-mouth

The PX Practice Promoter helps medical and dental practitioners boost their online reputations while making their patients feel heard. As [More..]
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Importance of Factual Information on a Website

Factual information is the backbone of a reliable and trustworthy website. It is the foundation on which users build their [More..]
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More Than Just Words: How DG Tailors a Webpage to Boost Activity

Webpages can do much more than what meets the eye, and at Doctor Genius, our team works to optimize those [More..]
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Caller IQ: Improving Your Calls With AI

Doctor Genius (DG) is releasing our newest patient experience product: Caller IQ. This new offering was designed to improve the [More..]
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Doctor Genius PX Scheduler: a mutually beneficial solution for both doctor and patient

The PX Scheduler is a key solution of the Doctor Genius Patient Experience Suite. It offers a simple and user-friendly [More..]
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Gearing Content Towards Potential Patients

We are currently in an era where information is readily available and easily accessible, but how well can you make [More..]
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