Elements of an Effective Landing Page for Medical Practices

Elements of an Effective Landing Page for Medical Practices

Creating a strong landing page is an effective way to boost any doctor or dental digital marketing campaign and finally gain the conversions you have been waiting for. While other pages on your website serve significant purposes, such as telling visitors about your medical team, pointing potential patients to your services, and educating people about your field through blog posts, a landing page is designed solely to generate leads. While this form may contain a snippet of information or even a short video, landing pages aim to get a person’s contact information, most often an email, in return for a special offer. When creating a landing page, there are several essential elements that must be present for it to be effective.

Setting up a new landing page

Well-designed landing pages generally offer a good conversion rate because each is designed specifically to convert and is triggered by the visitor responding to a call to action, so the individual already has shown interest in the content of the page. This CTA that generates the landing page may be located somewhere on the website or linked on a post or advertisement from a search engine or social media platform.

While landing pages can vary greatly in design and content, there are five components that should always be present. This page should continue to be monitored and optimized to ensure it is resulting in the desired number of conversions.

1. A unique selling proposition

In a world where everyone is trying to sell you something, having something unique to bring to the table gets you noticed and results in effective patient . One of your main priorities when creating a landing page is to stand out from others in your field by creating a unique selling proposition. While you may already know your practice offers great services, you really need to sit down and consider the question of how your practice is different from your competitors’. This is the question asked by visitors who come to your landing page, so it is your task to make the answer convincing and bold.

First, it is important to understand that your USP is not a deal or marketing offer that you are providing to new or current patients, such as a free consultation. While this element should appear on your landing page as well, it falls under another category discussed in further detail later. Rather, your USP is a statement that demonstrates your practice’s values and explains why someone would want to invest in your services or products.

In the skincare industry, this may appear as a brand’s commitment to using only vegan, all-natural products. A clothing company may boast that all clothing is made using sustainably sourced materials. In the medical world, your USP may be your ability to offer a wide range of services, your dedication to caring for a certain demographic group, your proven expertise and success, or your cutting-edge technology.

2. Compelling images

The images you use on your landing page are as important, if not more important, than any written content. According to a survey by BrightLocal, 60% of consumers are more likely to consider a local result with an image. A catchy page design along with an equally captivating hero or background image keeps the visitor on the page longer and makes a conversion more likely.

While choosing the first stock photo you see may seem like a quick and easy way to get a landing page up, it is worth the effort to hunt down an image that gets better results. If using a stock photo, make sure to only use high-res, professional pictures that are highly relevant to your practice and the content on the landing page. Better yet, use your own photos. You can also include designed graphics or animation on your page.

You also want to make sure the design, graphics, and images you use on the landing page are consistent with your company’s branding. While landing pages may stand apart from your practice’s website, the page as a whole should fit in with the other content on your site. This ensures everyone who lands on the pages can quickly associate them with your brand and know they are in the right spot.

From the technical side of things, you need to ensure all photos are the right size and resolution for the page. Name the picture file so search engines can recognize what the picture is of and include alt tags in case the image does not populate correctly and to improve the medical SEO. Finally, make sure the images are ready for mobile.

3. A special offer

The main aspect that differentiates your landing page from other pages on your website is that it is designed to convert. While your home page or blog posts may include calls to action throughout the site in hope of converting potential patients, the landing page removes other distractions and leads visitors straight to downloading a form or taking another direct action straight from the page. In return, visitors should receive some type of special offer.

There are many options you can consider when giving potential clients a special offer, often in exchange for contact information. Examples include:

  • Downloadable e-book, checklist, or pdf guide
  • Video training or class
  • Free shipping or a discount off a product or service
  • Free consultation

When choosing a special offer to place on the landing page, you need to consider the target audience. What types of activities, resources, or products would your ideal client be interested in? This varies with practice types. While a dental patient may be attracted by a free consultation for clear aligners or marked-off prices on teeth whitening products, a patient interested in weight loss or better nutrition may be captured by a free smoothie recipe or a workout plan.

4. Social proof

People are often easily swayed by the opinions of peers, which is why including what others have to say about your practice can be the very factor that eventually leads a visitor to your landing page to convert. If someone who has never heard about you in the past lands on your page, it can be difficult for the individual to judge the quality of services. While some people may take the time to search for reviews online, others may decline to do this extra piece of work and leave the page without taking any action. Doing the extra step of adding social proof straight to the landing page prevents this mishap.

One of the most common forms of social proof used by companies is customer testimonials. If people have left reviews on your social media, Google, or Yelp, you can choose some to place on the landing page. If you have a high rating on Google, it also worth showcasing a four- or five-star review. If you do not have many high ratings to include, you can reach out to past patients you had a great relationship with and request a testimonial.

Another avenue to explore is using influencer marketing. If a well-known individual has endorsed your services or is willing to try to advocate what you are offering, you can include a snippet on your landing page to draw attention.

5. A strong call to action

Once you get potential patients interested, the next step is to push them to action. You must formulate a strong, concise CTA that tells visitors the next step and how to achieve it. Depending on the conversion you are aiming for, this can include commands such as “learn more,” “download now,” “book an appointment,” “claim your free sample,” or “start your free trial today.”

The call to action should be bolded and in its own box that is clearly clickable and easy to find. Depending on the size of the landing page, you can even locate the CTA in multiple spots, such as the hero image and in the footer of the page. If a contact form needs to be filled out, include the CTA under the boxes that need to be filled out. After clicking this button, the visitor should get some type of visual confirmation that the step has been successfully completed along with any other relevant steps that come next, such as receiving an email, waiting for a call, or selecting a date and time for an appointment.

Generate leads that convert

Creating a landing page and marketing it effectively involves a lot of knowledge, skill, and time, which can be difficult to accomplish if you already have a lot on your plate being a medical provider or a manager of a practice. You can skip the hassle and achieve the results you want by working with our digital marketing team at Doctor Genius. Call us at 877-477-2311 to speak with our team and learn more about how we can help you achieve your marketing goals. We offer a wide range of services, including full websites, social media management, and content marketing, so we can help you create a landing page that is consistent with your other content and ready to convert.

Doctor Genius, located at 16800 Aston Street, Suite 270, Irvine, CA 92606, provides a range of services for practice success. We seek to meet our clients’ needs by providing a variety of marketing, SEO, practice optimization tools, and coaching to transform the healthcare experience. Though we work to provide the most accurate information, the content found on this website is solely intended for entertainment purposes. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that the information provided is entirely correct. You may not use the information on this site to cure, prevent, or diagnose a perceived medical issue. If you have healthcare-related needs, please speak directly to a healthcare professional. Never self-perform medical treatments discussed on this website. All images displayed are also for entertainment purposes only, and personal experiences may differ. Please note that the business tactics mentioned on this site might not be applicable to your industry or practice.