Enhance Your Online Presence: The Three C’s of SEO

Enhance Your Online Presence: The Three C’s of SEO

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the process of improving your website so it draws more organic traffic and increases visibility on search engine results. While a crucial component of your online presence calls for a wide range of strategies, SEO can be broken down into the three important components known as the three C’s of SEO: content, coding, and credibility. At Doctor Genius, our team works to incorporate these three components to optimize your website’s search engine rankings. 


At the core of any good SEO strategy is the content on a company’s website. The content on any site should be not only relevant to the company’s brand and products provided but also highly searchable for a consumer looking for any given service. By including quality content focused on the keywords your company wishes to rank for, search engines will likely see your site as valuable and relevant to consumer searches. Content is spread across the various pages of a company’s website to improve SEO ranking. There are three general categories for pages:

  • Home page: A home page lets search engines know what products and services your company provides. As the heart of a website, a home page’s content presents to consumers what they should know about the overall business. Mentioning your top keywords on a home page can improve SEO by immediately informing search engines about the key components of your business.
  • Product or service page: Product pages (or service pages in the case of medical professionals or service-based firms) highlight the specific products and services a business provides. These pages are a great source of organic traffic. They utilize important keywords and provide relevant and accurate information is an effective way to use content to boost SEO.
  • Blog posts: Blog posts are a great way to include content specific to your practice’s keywords, including those not on product pages. By incorporating blogs on the various products and services you provide, search engines can better understand the value and legitimacy of your website. Users also have more relevant information and see your site as an authoritative source.

By conducting keyword searches and strategically providing content relevant to your business, your website will likely rank higher in search engine queries, leading more consumers to your business.


Following the content on a website, it is important to examine the coding behind it. Coding is an important technical side of SEO that can improve your website’s performance on search engines. SEO coding involves rewriting a website’s code to optimize page loading time and highlight important content, keywords, and backend terminology.

Ensuring your site has clean and valid HTML code can increase SEO by improving its crawlability for search engines. This is because search engines use bots known as crawlers or spiders, which index website content. The cleaner the HTML, the easier it is for these crawlers to index and understand the content, which can lead to your site ranking higher on searches. One way Doctor Genius helps increase SEO through HTML is by incorporating page additions such as meta and page descriptions. These descriptions appear on Google searches to help readers and search engines understand the content on your website. 

Another form of coding found on your website’s pages includes adding specific synonyms in the code for various keywords. Because certain keywords can have interchangeable synonyms, it is important for search engines to be able to understand the various ways someone will type in a query. For example, all-on-four is a synonym for all-on-x and implant-supported dentures. Doctor Genius would use these synonyms in the code for all-on-four dentures to help Google answer the various ways someone may pose the same question.


Credibility is one of the most important components of SEO. Ensuring your content is trustworthy and relevant will indicate to search engines that your website is reliable. You can establish trust with search engines through a multitude of different strategies.

A high-quality website that is easy to navigate with an orderly structure is an effective way to increase a search engine’s trust in your website. It is also beneficial to display valid information, such as the company’s location, phone number, and employee information. Accurate details regarding the company ensure that consumers and search engines understand the website’s legitimacy.

The content provided on your website will also work to establish credibility. At Doctor Genius, our team incorporates regular blog posts for fresh, relevant content on your website. Providing increased frequency and depth of keyword content will show a level of expertise on various topics. 

There are other technical components to increasing your website’s credibility. Incorporating badges, testimonials, and verified reviews on your website helps to paint an authoritative image for search engines. Internal and external linking are important factors in improving a site’s SEO. Internal links provide a smooth user experience by navigating them to different pages across your website. Also, you can boost the site’s credibility on various topics by linking pages together through curated keywords. External links, on the other hand, occur when other websites lead a user to your site. This can increase credibility by showing search engines that the information is helpful to users. External links will also naturally increase traffic to your website, which, in turn, improves SEO.

Remember the Three C’s

Search engine optimization plays a large role in a company’s online presence and, if done well, will increase the visibility of your website, leading more potential customers to your page. By utilizing the three C’s of SEO, Doctor Genius provides customized content across your website, presenting a framework for optimizing your search engine rankings. 

Our team specializes in helping your practice reach more consumers online. Contact us today or request a demo to learn more about our customized approach to helping your practice grow. 

Doctor Genius, located at 16800 Aston Street, Suite 270, Irvine, CA 92606, provides a range of services for practice success. We seek to meet our clients’ needs by providing a variety of marketing, SEO, practice optimization tools, and coaching to transform the healthcare experience. Though we work to provide the most accurate information, the content found on this website is solely intended for entertainment purposes. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that the information provided is entirely correct. You may not use the information on this site to cure, prevent, or diagnose a perceived medical issue. If you have healthcare-related needs, please speak directly to a healthcare professional. Never self-perform medical treatments discussed on this website. All images displayed are also for entertainment purposes only, and personal experiences may differ. Please note that the business tactics mentioned on this site might not be applicable to your industry or practice.