How To Use Google Remarketing To Grow Your Practice

How To Use Google Remarketing To Grow Your Practice

In today’s online age, it is almost impossible to reach the greatest number of potential patients for your practice without online dental marketing. Yet having a great website is often not enough to attract new patients, especially with so many other competing sites. While new visitors may discover your site through a blog post or broad advertisement, most will not take further action on your site. Fortunately, you can use Google remarketing to lead those visitors back to your site.

Objectives of Google remarketing

Google remarketing is a way to guide a user back to your site after already visiting. Since you know that person was previously interested in your site, remarketing can encourage them to revisit and actually take action, such as asking a question through online messaging or scheduling an appointment. Instead of relying solely on traditional, broader dental marketing campaigns, your patient can be narrowed to a specific interested group.

Advantages of remarketing over traditional advertising

Traditional online advertising involves casting the biggest possible net and seeing who you catch. It often targets a general audience, and many individuals within that audience may not be interested in your website or practice. Remarketing, on the other hand, only targets individuals who have previously visited your site. Since these people have already shown interest in your practice, you are more likely to hook them the second time around with remarketing. Focused advertising allows you to cut through the billions of other potential websites that pop up on a patient’s device and lead to yours instead.  

Steps to get started with remarketing

Google remarketing offers a variety of options for expanding your practice’s advertisements. You can get general ads to pop up on a former visitor’s browser or show an ad for a specific service that that person previously looked at on your site. You can remarket videos as users browse YouTube or advertise to people who have provided you with contact information. To formulate a remarketing campaign, try the following steps.  

Create a marketing strategy

Before anything else, you need to create a solid marketing strategy. This can help narrow down your goals and prevent unnecessary spending on ads that are not effective. Determine your target audience, and make different audience lists for specific services on your site.

Generate new content

Publishing new content on a regular basis is an ideal way to attract new patients. People are more likely to engage with your site if you consistently offer refreshing content.

Experiment with different ads

Advertising is all about finding what medium optimizes your content and appeals most to your audience. Use traditional posts, videos, pictures, and surveys and assess how each performs. You may find that the SEO for certain kinds of content works much better than others, or that some audiences respond more to videos than they do to written posts. Short and concise graphics can be the most memorable, so never be afraid to expand your current content portfolio.

Start remarketing today

At Doctor Genius, we make your marketing strategy a priority. If you need help developing marketable content or creating new ads, contact us. We can inform you about our services and how we can help your practice grow online.

Doctor Genius, located at 16800 Aston Street, Suite 270, Irvine, CA 92606, provides a range of services for practice success. We seek to meet our clients’ needs by providing a variety of marketing, SEO, practice optimization tools, and coaching to transform the healthcare experience. Though we work to provide the most accurate information, the content found on this website is solely intended for entertainment purposes. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that the information provided is entirely correct. You may not use the information on this site to cure, prevent, or diagnose a perceived medical issue. If you have healthcare-related needs, please speak directly to a healthcare professional. Never self-perform medical treatments discussed on this website. All images displayed are also for entertainment purposes only, and personal experiences may differ. Please note that the business tactics mentioned on this site might not be applicable to your industry or practice.