Designing the Content Ignition Package (CIP) for Keyword Ranking

Content Ignition Package Designed for Specific Keyword Ranking

Content Ignition Packages (CIPs) are intended to “ignite” a client’s site by providing timely, relevant content on a consistent basis. Our data and analytics team is well-versed in the workings of SEO and Google’s constantly changing algorithm. By thoroughly analyzing and understanding the patterns associated with site ranking, we developed a system that works for dental practices and are aiming to expand the system of CIPs and KCPs to the wide variety of medical specialties we cater to.

How CIPs Are Designed

To fully understand how CIPs can help ignite a site and maintain its ranking in search engines, it is important to know a bit about how SEO works. SEO involves content, links, and updates. Content includes any substance that provides information or entertainment to the viewer and must be relevant, timely, and accurate. Links give a site more authority, with higher credibility given to sites with credible external links and consistent internal links. Updated sites generally rank higher as content is considered to be more timely and relevant than outdated sites or those that have minor updates and additions.

CIPs and KCPs are designed to highlight specific services, keywords, or specialties a dental practice offers. The package continually puts out relevant content in the specific areas the client wishes to focus on. Therefore, their site constantly ranks as relevant, timely, and consistent. Activating a site with loads of information at the start may rank highly in the first month but will gradually disappear over time as the SEO criterion is not being matched. However, an activated site that continually puts out new content and updates each week will see a steady ranking throughout the year.

We design content packages by analyzing data and looking for patterns that illustrate what viewers are looking for. Our standard packages include a fixed number of blogs that pertain to almost all dentists and can be used interchangeably. Standard CIPs also include targeted content, such as special event blogs that cover various topics that are time-sensitive (i.e. COVID, telehealth, open enrollment). Keyword Content Packages (KCPs) include a fixed number of blogs that apply to one specific keyword, such as “dentist near me,” General Dentist, Dental Implants, Cosmetic Dentist, and Family Dentist. KCPs are designed for clients who wish to highlight or focus on a specific service, treatment, or specialty they offer. This provides them with both a higher ranking for that specific keyword and boosts consumer interest in specialty services, such as veneers, implants, or braces.

How We Aim to Achieve Benefits

Internal Linking

One of the greatest advantages clients receive with any CIP or KCP is internal linking. Each blog post will have a link back to the service page associated with the blog topic and have links to four other contextually relevant blogs. Links go both ways: when a searcher lands on a blog from a Google search or is reading a blog on a client’s site, they will see links to associated service pages on the site as well. At the same time, each service page includes links to relevant blogs that are on the client’s site, generally on the right-hand side. This creates much higher consumer engagement and maintains the client’s overall ranking.

Boost Total Word Count

When a site goes live, it contains around 100 new pages of dental content, including service pages, information pages, and blogs. This sudden boost signals that the site is active, relevant, and a source of authority. Over time, if the client does not continue updating the site with new content, their relevance fades and they no longer see a high ranking. CIPs and KCPs provide clients with fresh and timely blogs multiple times a week to maintain, and often, boost their ranking as well as bring clients in. In addition, a higher total word count on a site grants the client authority on the subject, whether a general subject such as dental or a specific topic such as “veneers.” This is what makes KCPs stand out.

Improving Authority and Credibility

As Google and search engine ranking has a lot to do with keywords and specific searches, it is important to know and cater to your audience. By implementing SEO strategies, we learn what the consumer is looking for in any given topic. Covering those subjects and topics on a consistent basis maintains a high ranking, improves authority on said subjects, and pulls consumers in. 

To rank high and maintain good standing, there are three important factors that a site needs: quality content, backlinks, and reviews. Skilled content writers conduct thorough research and analysis on any subject matter, consistently providing high-quality content. Backlinks are links to internal and external sites with authority. A site with service pages and blogs that cite only credible sources grants them credibility to relay information on a subject in a more engaging way. Lastly, reviews are crucial to ranking, authority, and credibility. Engage with your audience and reply to comments, questions, and messages on the site and on social media.

Achieving Those Results

We aim to achieve these benefits by analyzing data and patterns that pertain to dental content marketing and consumer search. This involves writing and deploying expanded content and definitions of various topics, creating new content for popular products and services, keeping up-to-date on time-sensitive topics such as COVID, and providing various mediums of content (i.e. videos, blogs, service pages, links, ect.). 

We also analyze the recommended frequency in which blog posts should be deployed. This has allowed us to determine the fixed number of blog posts per CIP or KCP package, which may routinely change as SEO requirements change. Currently, standard packages deploy two blog posts weekly, are deployed over six months, and are updated 2.69 times each week. Keyword content packages deploy 24 blog posts on a certain keyword over the course of a year.

Lastly, our SEO specialists are constantly researching relevant keywords in all fields of dentistry. Keyword search matching is one of the top ways a site ranks highly and catches viewers’ attention. Forbes finds that a few strategies can greatly aid in a site’s success: using a keyword research tool, properly selecting keywords, prioritizing keywords by relevance, understanding, and outperforming the competition. Our team conducts keyword research to attain and maintain relevance, timeliness, authority, and ranking through the use of CIPs and KCPs.

CIPs and KCPs are ongoing development projects our production team continually works on with a complete roadmap for the future. The team constantly writes and puts out new content, from service pages to blogs, keeping it fresh and timely. 

Let Doctor Genius Help You

As we are well aware, most dentists do not have the time or necessary skills to analyze data and SEO requirements, let alone constantly update their site to project these findings. Doctor Genius has helped hundreds of clients boost their ranking and maintain their site’s authority over long periods of time. We take pride in helping our clients achieve their desired results, gain consumer engagement, and enhance revenue. If you would like to learn more about CIPs and KCPs or enroll in a package, call us today!

Doctor Genius, located at 16800 Aston Street, Suite 270, Irvine, CA 92606, provides a range of services for practice success. We seek to meet our clients’ needs by providing a variety of marketing, SEO, practice optimization tools, and coaching to transform the healthcare experience. Though we work to provide the most accurate information, the content found on this website is solely intended for entertainment purposes. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that the information provided is entirely correct. You may not use the information on this site to cure, prevent, or diagnose a perceived medical issue. If you have healthcare-related needs, please speak directly to a healthcare professional. Never self-perform medical treatments discussed on this website. All images displayed are also for entertainment purposes only, and personal experiences may differ. Please note that the business tactics mentioned on this site might not be applicable to your industry or practice.