To Have a Home Part IV: Effective Calls to Action

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No home page is complete without a call to action on the welcome mat to help bring in new patients.

An effective call-to-action can be the final push that a potential patient needs to seek a specific service. People may recall TV commercials from childhood ending with, “Buy now,” or “get one while supplies last.” While these examples can be effective for certain products, medical practices may need a slightly different approach. People will usually spend more time contemplating where to go for any form of medical care than buying a new movie or clothes at a store.

Up front and center

For a medical practice, the call-to-action is a crucial step that needs to utilize both specific text and a button/window to capture the attention of a potential patient. For instance, if there is an option to “Schedule an appointment today,” then there needs to be a button or window that the individual can interact with.

The interaction is key since it promotes direct contact with the practice through the online portal or by calling the practice over the phone. The call-to-action can also help users navigate to other pages on the website from the home page. For instance, having the call-to-action button, “Click Here to Read More” can increase the chance of the individual navigating from the home page to that page.

Calls-to-action help create a home page that entices users to seek the practice’s professional service. It is important to have a clear call-to-action on the website home page.

Be clear and concise

Image 2 states that 70 percent of small business websites do not have clear calls-to-action on their homepage.

The call-to-action on a home page needs to be clear in order to improve conversion rate. The conversion rate for a website is the rate of website users who become patients. In order to increase the conversion rate, it is important to have a clear call-to-action that highlights the specific type of care at the practice.

Presenting the call-to-action in the first person to address the user will also help. Another step in creating an effective call-to-action is to include easy-to-access contact information. By structuring a home page to display the call-to-action in an easy-to-read place, the user will be more likely to interact with it.

At Doctor Genius, we can customize the home page to not only highlight specific services but also present calls to action in such a way that the patient will be more likely to interact with the website. While it is not difficult to write out the phrase “Call Now” and place it on a button, we know the proper way to create and place the call-to-action.

Doctor Genius

At Doctor Genius, we work with clients to expand their private practice by helping them reach, engage and convert consumers into new patients. By offering high-end web marketing services to medical and health professionals throughout the United States, we help clients gain more profit and build trustworthy relationships with patients to initiate sustainable practice growth.

We construct a website for your practice, establish an active online presence, build and constantly update social media profiles, help you build stronger connections with patients, streamline the appointment scheduling process, funnel traffic from search engines directly to your practice website and much more. To begin the process of increasing the success and presence of your practice, give us a call at 877-477-2311.

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