To Have a Home Part V: A Picture Can Say a Thousand Words

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Keep a website intriguing and interesting by including images in quality content.

A page of just text is similar to reading a form or book, except that it may not be the most exciting content. Most people prefer pictures that describe the story or advertise the product. If a webpage was going to describe the process for dental implants, people will wonder what a dental implant looks like and how it looks in the mouth. Instead of the individual going to Google for answers and leaving the website, give the individual what he or she wants by including informative images on the webpage.

Giving your practice a face

Images on a website can accomplish a variety of tasks with even only a few pictures, including images of:

  • Your location
  • The head medical professional
  • The team members at the location
  • Various tools and rooms of the facility
  • The map view of practice from Google Maps
  • Your logo

Images can put a face to the practice that act as trust signals for potential patients. For instance, an individual is less likely to consider a practice with no image of the medical professional in charge and only text that states the professional’s background. It is also important to take a few quality photos of the team members, outside of the facility and rooms within the facility as well.

These images can help people get a clear picture of the location they are considering for professional medical care. It is also beneficial to break up the text on other pages of the website with images showing various services or actual patients rather than stock photography. By utilizing quality content with images that promote a happier response from potential patients, you can increase the chance of people spending more time on your website.

Buzzsumo states that in 2015, Facebook posts with images saw more than double the amount of engagement than those posts without images.

Keeping a strong presence on social media

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Even with the above statistic, text is still important and people still read. However, people surfing social media will spend less time reading a long post about dental hygiene or another medical service if there is no image. In many cases, people will scroll right by the post without even noticing. Thus, it is important to include images or video in social media posts to promote your practice.

In fact, Buzzsumo also adds that in 2015, articles with an image once every 75 to 100 words, received double the number of social shares than articles with fewer images. While this statistic may change in the following years, it is important to note that images only work in the proper location. Without knowledge on where to place them, people may misuse images or oversaturate a webpage with too many images and not enough content.

At Doctor Genius, we understand the crucial locations to place images and how to use them to help promote a website online. We can provide the expertise to highlight your skills as a medical professional and overall practice to web users. The first step is to call us and begin the process today.

Doctor Genius

At Doctor Genius, we work with clients to expand their private practice by helping them reach, engage and convert consumers into new patients. By offering high-end web marketing services to medical and health professionals throughout the United States, we help clients gain more profit and build trustworthy relationships with patients to initiate sustainable practice growth.

We construct a website for your practice, establish an active online presence, build and constantly update social media profiles, help you build stronger connections with patients, streamline the appointment scheduling process, funnel traffic from search engines directly to your practice website and much more. To begin the process of increasing the success and presence of your practice, give us a call at 877-477-2311.

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