The Doctor Genius Content Ignition Package (CIP)

The Doctor Genius Content Ignition Package (CIP)

Content Ignition Packages, or CIPs, are a series of blog posts that help our dental clients boost their organic ranking and maintain relevance in their specific field. Any client’s new content, referred to as “fresh content,” automatically boosts their ranking in the initial phase but can easily become stagnant due to Google’s continuously changing algorithm and need for relevance. 

New dental websites are launched with 20-100 new web pages, or service pages, of fresh content, signaling to Google and other search engines that they are a potential local source of authority. However, the authority status may wane after a short period of time if a site doesn’t post updates. This is why Doctor Genius posts blogs continuously for all of our clients. Search engines are more likely to continue to view a website as an authoritative source on various topics and keywords by posting perpetually into the future. It also has the added benefit of making the older content relevant over time, improving every page’s chances of coming up in a query. 

This is where CIPs (pronounced “sips”) come in. Think of it as search engines taking “sips” every few days instead of one large gulp: just like for the body, it’s better for website ranking to take a small influx of sips over time. As noted, Google rewards websites for activity level. This fact led us to create CIPs with the hope of improving clients coming up for city-wide and national searches. So far, we have seen this goal met in reality when viewing clients who have opted-in to this service.

Through our knowledge, practice, and implementation of SEO, we found that three elements are essential to a successful and high ranking blog:

  • Sources: Citing credible sources that have authority to speak about the subject
  • Keywords: Utilizing highly-demanded keywords increases the chances of appearing on the top searches
  • Internal Linking: Linking to older posts or service pages keeps content live and active, signaling the website is “fresh” or relevant—a measurement that Google looks for in determining the importance of a website’s content in relation to the date it is being searched

How CIPs Work

Our goal is to keep our clients performing at a higher rank when compared to their peers, which would be at the top five search results on a Google maps search listing. This is achieved by combining the components used by Google for determining site ranking: relevance, distance, and prominence. Following this premise, we add internal links to the CIPs that link back to existing service pages; internal links are hyperlinks in a new web page or blog that link back to an older web page or blog. We build internal links with the intent of boosting organic traffic, which has been estimated to increase by 40%, according to one study. 

We offer CIPs on a one-time-purchase basis or at no additional charge as part of our advanced packages to ensure we keep our clients relevant online. CIPs are primarily created for targeted keywords, like “dentists near me,” and are offered in groups of keywords. We also offer CIPs for particular events such as COVID and open enrollment periods. Recently, we even added a complete health dentistry package for clients who brand themselves as holistic dentists. Though we do not offer CIPs for all practice types, we are building our library to facilitate dental specialties and other medical specialties. 

Based on the type of CIP package a client signs up for, they will receive an allotted amount of blog posts automatically added to their site at specified intervals. Clients enrolled in the standard CIP package receive just over two blog posts per week from our hefty library of over 1,000 blogs on various topics. Based on the keywords a client offers, they will be provided a corresponding blog package that includes their keywords. For example, if a dental client offers implants and CEREC, they can receive 24 blogs on both topics. For more specifics, please reach out to your support specialist. 

Please note, the CIPs are very keyword-specific and can not be mixed and matched. Alternatively, clients looking for more specialized ranking services not covered under a CIP can turn to our Keyword Content Package (KCP). These packages are described below and are for going into more rare subjects or connecting desperate search terms.

Currently, we have split our CIPs deployment into individual, multi-purpose, and specific events. For those looking for multi-subject CIPs, we provide 70-72 blogs and cover a wide variety of general dental topics that most dentists typically offer. Targeted CIPs provide 12-24 blogs that cover specific time-sensitive topics, such as the COVID or Teledentistry packages. Typically, the keyword-specific CIP packages will have 24 blogs. Additional Targeted CIPs include open enrollment and complete health dentistry with 21 blog posts and 30 service pages, respectively.

Deployment and Statistics

Search engines use algorithms to rank websites. These continuously changing algorithms intend to capture what the consumer wants to see or know about any given subject. There are a large number of ranking factors that each search engine looks out for when creating algorithms, such as backlinks, relevance, and freshness. We utilize ranking factors to determine what a client needs to remain authoritative, relevant, and trustworthy. We also track keywords and ranking factors to learn what works and what does not. The deployment strategy of CIPs and KCPs plays a big role in maintaining a well-ranked site.

Content Ignition Packages (CIPs)

Clients with standard CIPs will receive between 12 to 72 blog posts depending on whether they enrolled in a Multi-Subject CIP or a Targeted CIP. This translates into over 35,000 words of additional content and 350 additional internal links being added to a site on a 70-blog package. Using the same 70-post CIP example, a client will receive 2.69 site updates in the form of new content each week over a six-month period. For our average client, this would give them roughly 11 additional content pieces per month spread out evenly throughout the month. The impact is signaling to Google that the practice is active and accessible for information on a topic.  

The additional link building also sends the signal that one is an authority on the topic. While Google wants to see fresh content, new content pointing back to valid older content installed when clients sign up only strengthens the older pages and the potential site’s ranking. Google wants to know that a site has a history and actively improves upon itself to be a good internet samaritan. It helps Google understand how knowledgeable a site is on a given subject as well as which pages are more relevant. The more internal links from new blogs back to a service page, Google can better weigh a site for a keyword and which web pages should be presented in a search. 

Keyword Content Packages (KCPs)

Keyword Content Packages (KCPs) deploy 24 blog posts on a certain keyword, such as Clear Aligners, and continually provide fresh new content on just that topic. KCPs include one hub page and four sub-pages, with six blogs deployed for each sub-page over the course of a year. KCPs are ideal for clients who focus primarily on or want to highlight a certain treatment that they offer. These blogs intend to boost ranking for a set of keywords, which could impact the site ranking but is more likely to bring in traffic interested in a particular service. 

Benefits of Content Ignition Packages

There are a plethora of benefits that come with any Content Ignition Packages, whether it is a CIP, KCP, or a la carte. Among the greatest advantages is internal linking. Each blog post will have a link back to the service page associated with the blog topic and have links to four other contextually relevant blogs. That calculates to 5 x 70 = 350 additional internal links. 

Also, links go both ways; therefore, if a searcher lands on a blog from a Google search or is reading a blog, there will be a link to an associated service page. Likewise, every service page has contextually relevant blog post snippets in the right-hand column with links. Searchers who land on a blog or service page from their search will have four contextually relevant links to blog posts.

Aside from internal linking, there are many benefits to any CIP or KCP, including:

  • Time-frame for blog deployment can range anywhere from a week to a year
  • The site is updated twice a week, keeping relevance high
  • Internal linking between service pages and blogs
  • Shows credibility, authority, interest, and specialization on any given subject matter
  • Barnacle SEO: each post has a link to the client’s Yelp with contextually different anchor tags
  • Stay up-to-date on time-sensitive topics, such as open enrollment, COVID-19, etc.
  • Signals to Google that you are accessible live site

Learn More About CIPs

Get the most out of your site and enroll in a Content Ignition Packages or Keyword Content Package today. Our team can help you determine the right package for your site and practice while helping you understand how SEO works. Our team’s goal is to help you feel confident in choosing a service that has historically improved ranking. We can also work with you to choose topics a la carte that will allow you to highlight the services you offer or want consumers to reign in on. Contact us to learn more or schedule a briefing to go over CIPs and KCPs.

Doctor Genius, located at 16800 Aston Street, Suite 270, Irvine, CA 92606, provides a range of services for practice success. We seek to meet our clients’ needs by providing a variety of marketing, SEO, practice optimization tools, and coaching to transform the healthcare experience. Though we work to provide the most accurate information, the content found on this website is solely intended for entertainment purposes. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that the information provided is entirely correct. You may not use the information on this site to cure, prevent, or diagnose a perceived medical issue. If you have healthcare-related needs, please speak directly to a healthcare professional. Never self-perform medical treatments discussed on this website. All images displayed are also for entertainment purposes only, and personal experiences may differ. Please note that the business tactics mentioned on this site might not be applicable to your industry or practice.