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Digital Marketing
by Doctor Genius Marketing (L)
Digital Marketing
Biggest Landing Page Mistakes Medical Practices Make
Once upon a time healthcare providers could count on word of mouth and referrals to attract new patients. Today, however,
by Doctor Genius Marketing (L)
Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing 101: Bounce Rate Explained
SEO is a science, and a lot goes into ensuring your website not only ranks in searches, but ranks well.
by Doctor Genius Marketing (L)
Digital Marketing
10 Tips for Turning Website Visitors into New Patients
Your website is where many potential patients will get their first impression of your medical practice. Because of this, quality
by Doctor Genius Marketing (L)
Digital Marketing
The Most Important Things Google Analytics Can Tell Doctors
A modern, vibrant website full of great SEO for doctors is a strong start for attracting new patients. However, no
by Doctor Genius Marketing (L)
Digital Marketing
5 Things Your Front Office Staff Does That Loses Patients
You spend money to increase patient retention, create marketing campaigns, generate leads, and get new patients in the door. According
by Doctor Genius Marketing (L)
Digital Marketing
The Importance of Patient Loyalty for a Dental Practice
When it comes to things that could make or break a dental practice, patient loyalty is critical. Your practice’s profitability
by Doctor Genius Marketing (L)
Digital Marketing
Helping Patients Keep Their Dental Appointments
Cancellations and no-shows are some of the most costly and frustrating challenges that small dental practices face on an ongoing
by Jas Staffer
Digital Marketing
What You Need To Know About AI-Written Content
Artificial intelligence is transforming the world, reaching into every industry—including digital marketing. While it can make various tasks easier, it
by Doctor Genius Marketing (L)
Digital Marketing
TLDR: Ideal Post Lengths for the Top Social Media Platforms
Many social media platforms have a specific limit on how many characters you can include in a post. However, the
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